Over a thousand guests have meandered through our land this year.
Some as curious newcomers. Others, as long-time soakers returning to a place called home.
Some stop by for a few hours. Most spent a night or two experiencing a full moon's magic.
Solo wanderers, families, friends, and groups. Some chatty, others silent. Locals and big city dwellers. Neighbors and cross-country road trippers. Republicans and Democrats. Millennials and Boomers. And everything in between. Some needing, some giving, but nearly all leave something with someone.
Their stories are endless and live only in our waters for now. But today, they will have a new home. Meet Volume One of our story, which has always been yours.
You carry wisdom, guidance, advice, and even humor. Only time will tell what you write. But this much we already know.... humans will need to read it.
Come pay our new Guestbook a visit next time you step into our River House.
Water, Wilderness, Humans, and Spaces. These are our offerings, and you are their guest.