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Wylder Goods Retreat | Maple Grove Hot Springs

"Seeking answers? Inspiration? Direction? Slow down." ⁠

⁠A potent riverside gem for thought by Anna Brones, one of the many inspiring presenters at last week's Wylder Goods creativity and entrepreneurship retreat. ⁠

⁠To have so many women (plus one beardy man) on the land navigating their individual stories of creation, struggle, success, and failure with the collective support of each other was moving. It was a beautiful reminder. ⁠

⁠Maple’s land and water, in many ways, was both an active participant and an unknowing presenter, both receiving as a student and giving as only a wise teacher can. ⁠

⁠As we near the end of our restoration, we’re grateful to see the natural strength of Maple return. Her grasses have grown green and are now wise and golden. Her flowers have run wild and are now seeded in preparation for sleep. Her waters have been let loose and now rage into the river. HER STRENGTH FEELS SET FREE. With each guest or group, she steps deeper into her power. ⁠

⁠Thanks to all the many women and men who come to her—who give to her what you have, who take from her what you need. She is ready. We are all ready.

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