We’ve got some pretty big things moving and shaking around here, and over the coming weeks, you’re gonna start to hear a lot more about it.
New spaces, years in the making. Summer bookings, months down the road. And literally, everything that has to happen in between.
But of all our announcements, this is our MOST IMPORTANT!!!
We’ve got some pretty talented new members of our crew working the land these days, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their collective attitude, eclectic backgrounds, and deeply individual contributions that will now be a part of our Spring and Summer seasons.
From theatre teachers to carpenters, camp counselors to national park guides, we’ve just welcomed up five new HUMANS and can’t wait for y’all to meet!
Ellen and Greg Sporko (yep, THE Sporkos!!) will be holding down the fort as our Center Host Managers and just made the move from Nashville to make it all happen!

Josh Dawson is a new Logan-based Site Host who you’ll often find chopping wood and looking for his salads we keep eating.

Madeline hails from Soda Springs as a Site Host who loves outdoor education nearly as much as she loves cats.

And if you’ve wondered why the space is feeling cleaner than it ever has before, well, that’s because Brittani is on the crew leading our hospitality efforts with a hustle that has us all on our toes.

Easing in new team members isn’t always easy, and it’s all been possible thanks to solid trainers and long-time overall wearers up here, Chad and Emma Joan Artist!!

They’re collectively pouring a lot of love and care into your experience, so give them a big warm welcome when you meet!
And remember, for every tip you pass on to the team, Maple MATCHES your tips, dollar for dollar!